We are not just an ordinary building contractor...
Being extraordinary is what we hang out hat on. We are committed to exceptionalism in craftsmanship, integrity, and professionalism every step of the way from the first phone call to the final brush stroke. At Schisel Construction, it is our goal to provide exceptional home remodeling and custom construction services that exceed all our clients' expectations. We strive to execute to perfection, from the foundation to the final touches with superior craftsmanship, attention to detail, and outstanding customer service.
But even more than that, from kitchen and bathroom renovations to whole-house remodels and custom builds, we work closely with our clients to ensure that the vision for their home is not only brought to life, but in the end, they really do feel they finally have a place called home.
Why Choose Us
Satisfied Customers
"Schisel Construction did a wonderful job on our home renovation. Their attention to detail and craftsmanship are second to none. They demonstrated outstanding flexibility and a willingness to make on-the-fly changes to accommodate the us. Every member of the team is both professional and personable. We highly recommend Schisel Construction for your remodeling or new construction needs."
Frank & Ardis Mortenson
"We are so happy with our addition! Jordan and his crew are fantastic. Great work, great communication, responsive to our questions and very easy to have around. The subs used were equally friendly, did excellent workmanship and were very considerate, as we were living in the existing house as they worked. I would highly recommend Schisel Construction for any kind of work you need done."
Duane & Carol Lewellen
"We have now engaged Schisel Construction with four major projects including a remodel of our 1960s Coupeville house into a beautiful, modern home that we absolutely love! Through the entire process, Jordan has remained in close communication with us, provided knowledgeable options that helped us make informed decisions, and provided valuable guidance in terms of quality materials and cost-saving suggestions. Schisel Construction is our trusted construction company here on Whidbey Island.”
Mike & Adela Droe
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Service Areas:
Whidbey Island, Washington
4943 Breezefair Road Freeland, WA 98249